30 April 2014

Yeh Jo DESH Hai Mera...Proud to be an Indian

Hi..there..I am Swayanjit Saha,and this is the 3rd part of Yeh Jo DESH Hai Mera...named as Proud to be an Indian.This blog is basically based on the 10 Things to love about Incredible India ...

Here are ten things I love about India...............

1.Indian Army
   The Indian Army is the land-based branch and the largest component of the Indian Armed ForcesIts primary objectives include maintaining peace and security within the country, patrolling borders and conducting counter-terrorist operations. It also conducts rescue and humanitarian operations during calamities and disturbances. It has frequently been called upon to maintain the internal security of the country. 


2. Color
 India is a photographer’s dream.  The spices, the dyes, and the beautiful dresses mean that you’ll definitely need to take more memory cards than you anticipated needing.

3. Kids

The children in India were not only cute and full of fun and smiles, they were also so polite and charming .  They also love having their pictures taken.

4. Food

The variety and deliciousness of India’s street food is wonderful, and a definite highlight of travelling in the country.

5. Cricket

Being from England means that in almost every country on Earth I find myself chatting regularly about our holy trinity of David Beckham, Princess Diana, and the Beatles.  But not in India. In India it is all about the cricket. I got roped into playing quite a few times as well.

6. Mix of Old and New

In India, on a daily basis, you see what life must have been like hundred of years ago. Some things remain totally unchanged.  And yet you also get a glimpse of the future, the exciting potential of a fast-developing superpower.

7. Religion

The variety, colour and devotion involved in India’s kaleidoscope of religions is mesmerizing.

8. Tea

If there is anywhere on Earth that is more obsessed with tea drinking than us English, then it is India.  A hot glass of sweet, milky tea at a roadside stall is a lovely way to pause, relax, and chat.

9. Artists

There is some images of the Indian Great Artists....


10. Indian Culture and History

India is a diverse country steeped in history. Its past has seen a melting pot of different religions, rulers and empires -- all of which have left their mark on the countryside. Many historical places in India are listed as World Heritage sites due to their cultural importance.


If You Want To Know More About INDIAN CULTURE Please stay connected.. 

This Is Swayanjit Saha.Keep Visting For More Latest Articles..

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