01 May 2014

Make Your Own Web Browser Using VB6

Hello friends I am Soumya Mahata and today I am going to show you how to make your own web browser in 3 simple steps in Visual Basic 6.

STEP1: Open your Visual Basic 6.0 program then GOTO File->New Project->Standard EXE
              Now you need to add a component which is going to be your browser.
              So goto Project-> Components or you can press ctrl+T and from the component list
              box add Microsoft Internet Controls and now just drag and draw.

               Now add one text box and 3 command button(you may add more button for extra
            Name the textbox as "adrs", GO button as "go",REV button as "rev",FORWARD
            button as "forw".

Now your browser is 50% ready and next step is to code and connect the whole component.

STEP2: Suppose you want to navigate or open a specific page when you open your
            browser first time.
            Then inside the form_load function write:
                                  WebBrowser1.Navigate ("www.google.com")
            Now let's write the code for navigating a page you want.So inside go_click() write the
                                   WebBrowser1.Navigate (adrs.Text)
           Here is the code for reverse page navigating,inside rev_click() write
           For forwarding write the code, inside forw_click() write
           Now are ready to browse internet.You can update the label of your browser
           form if you want,inside WebBrowser1_StatusTextChange() write
                                    adrs.Text = (WebBrowser1.LocationURL)
                                     Form1.Caption = (WebBrowser1.LocationName)
         Now your program is 99% complete.
         Here is the full code:-

STEP3: Last step is to save your project and form.Just goto File and save your project.
              If you to make it an executable file then goto File->Make <your project name> exe
              and create your .exe file.
              One last and most impotant thing is you need to write one extra line code for
              avoiding script error.
              Inside form_load() write WebBrowser1.Silent=True
              If you want to refresh your browser page  you can add refresh button and write this
              code inside that command button "WebBrowser1.Refresh".
So here is the browser:-

You can open any web page you want in most fastest way as there is no code for storing  cookies inside it.So enjoy it :)
Thats the end of your project.Here is the browser that i have made:-
Click here to download my browser.Its much faster than any other browser.The only disadvantage is it is a single tabbed browser.

So make your own browser and let me know how you have upgraded it.
Thank you for visiting and keep frequent visiting :)

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